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Notification About Cookies

We use cookies so you can make better use of our website. Cookies are small, temporary data units which are stored in your computer and mobile device by your scanner which enables better experience of our website. Cookies do not contain any of personal data and are not used for detecting identities of individual users. In general cookies have a unique identifier which is an anonymous number stored in your device. Some of them run out when your session in the website is finished and some of them remain a longer time in your computer.

Our description related to the identifications mentioned in this notification

“cookiesAccepted”: Stores the selection data of the user related to cookies. If accepted it is identified as “true” and when rejected it is identified as “false”.

“My Favorites”: Used to store the user content collection numerical data and potential received content collection. In case that the user does not accept cookies my favorites function cannot be used. Upon requesting the My Favorites section the data flows to the server and is evaluated. No information shall be used other than the collection identity data.

We would like to inform you about cookie types;
i. First Party Cookies

These cookies are identified by the website you are visiting and can be read by this website only.

ii. Third Party Cookies

These cookies are identified by other organizations used for other services. For example, external data analysis services which we are using and the suppliers who provide such services identify the cookies on our behalf in order to report what it is popular and what is not. The website which you visit may have content embedded from websites such as social media and video watching sites whereas such websites may identify their own cookies.

Your Acceptance of Cookies 

The information contained in the cookies are used to improve the services provided to you.

a. If you activate the function which enables the detection of your device by a service, you do not have to give the same information during a session again,

b. Supporting the My Favorites (Content) function,

c. Allowing proper function of the Video Player,

d. Measuring the number of users of the service, enabling sufficient capacity in order to simplify the uses of activation of such services and continuously provide such services in a fast manner, will help us to understand how we can improve our online services provided to the users in terms of many aspects many views by analyzing anonymous data.

If You Do Not Accept Cookies

In this case certain features of the website cannot be viewed or may not function properly. This will restrict your activities in the website and may have negative impact on the design and user experience.

Features which may affected are as following;

a. Use of the My Favorites (Content) function,

b. Non-use of the web site in an individual manner,

c. Watching Videos,

d. Like or share features of this page in social media,

e. Non-view of embedded content

By the use of other first or third party cookies and other technologies other than the mentioned matters and cookie types, such as: iFrames, javascript etc., the content embedded in the website can be used. By accepting cookies, you also accept that such content may use cookies as well.

Bft Packaging has no control over third party cookies and does not assume any liability related to such either.  For detailed information, please refer to the third party website.

You can select the option which enables switching from accepting and not accepting cookies identified by this website.